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时间:2022-12-08   访问量:1512


一、do not underestimate the "salt damage"


Salt damage is an important factor affecting yield in greenhouse culture. therefore, it is imperative to solve the "salt injury" of melons and vegetables in greenhouse. Blind excessive fertilization and relying solely on chemical fertilizer for yield will inevitably lead to a rapid increase of salt accumulation in the soil, which is bound to cause fertilizer damage (salt damage). How to solve and avoid the harm caused by blind fertilization?


First of all, adjust the application ratio of farm manure, chemical fertilizer and microbial fertilizer in shed field. Mature farm manure accounts for 65% of the crop growth period demand, chemical fertilizer accounts for 30% of the growth period demand, and microbial fertilizer accounts for 5% of the whole growth period. Chemical fertilizers should reduce the contents of chlorine and sodium according to the physiological needs of different crops. In addition, it is necessary to correctly select fertilizer types and fertilization methods, and apply fertilizers without negative components as far as possible, such as urea, potassium nitrate, calcium phosphate, diammonium phosphate and so on, so as to reduce the residual accumulation of salt in soil as far as possible.


Secondly, increase the application of organic fertilizer and biological fertilizer. Increase the application of organic fertilizers, such as green manure, mature compost and barnyard manure, to improve soil structure and soil fertility. It is suggested that the application amount of organic fertilizer should be increased appropriately in the base fertilizer. The application of a certain amount of biological fertilizer combined with deep ploughing can improve soil structure, improve soil permeability, activate soil and increase soil temperature, which is beneficial to the extension of crop roots, increase the ability of roots to absorb water and nutrients, and improve their salt resistance.


Third, prolong the leaching time of natural rainfall. It is suggested that during the period from late June to the end of September, the film at the top of the greenhouse should be removed as soon as possible, so that the natural rainfall in the rainy season can fully leach the soil and reduce the salt concentration in the plough layer of the soil.


Fourth, press salt with water. As the saying goes, "salt goes with water", so we can "take away" the high concentration of salt ions in the tillage layer by pressing salt with water and through soil capillaries. It is suggested that this method can be combined with vegetable garden and high temperature greenhouse, that is, after surface disinfection, hit the ground first, and then irrigate heavily, stuffy shed, should be more than half a month.


Fifth, choose salt-resistant vegetables. The production practice showed that the root system of different kinds of vegetables had different tolerance to soil salt concentration, and eggplant had strong salt tolerance, followed by tomato, pepper, zucchini and cucumber.


Sixth, biological desalination. The experiment shows that planting Sudan grass can absorb the excess salt of soil, which is one of the better methods to solve the secondary salinization of soil in greenhouse at present. In addition, the desalination effect of corn is also good.


Seventh, carry out salt-resistant exercise. Improve the salt tolerance of vegetables. After the seeds were swollen by water absorption before sowing, the salt tolerance of the seeds could be significantly improved by soaking the seeds with 0.6% saline solution for 6-12 hours. The seedling's pressure tolerance is the worst. Spraying 50 mg / kg gibberellin can stimulate the growth of vegetables, dilute the salt concentration in the body and enhance its salt tolerance.


二、Don't ignore the "drug harm"


The most common injuries caused by plant growth regulators are seedling shrinkage and leaf fern leaf virus symptoms. in good weather, the symptoms of "drug damage" are not easy to detect or mild, but after continuous overcast and rainy weather, plants can not carry out normal photosynthesis, root absorption problems will occur. Therefore, the symptoms of plant poisoning will be prominent at this time. The prevention and control measures are as follows:


First of all, do a good job of prevention. Master the correct concentration, method and location of plant growth regulators. Such as bottle gourd, the use of ethephon can promote the main vine to open female flowers early, but the use must be 4-6 true leaf stage, early use is prone to drug damage.


Secondly, determine the applicable concentration. If the concentration is too low, it can not produce the desired effect; if the concentration is too high, it will destroy the normal physiological activities of plants, and even harm plants. The concentration effect of plant growth regulators is much more complex than that of general pesticides. The concentration of the same plant growth regulators used by different crops is very different, and it is related to the growth of crops.


Third, pay attention to the climatic conditions. If the temperature is too low, the foliar absorption is slow; if the temperature is too high, the liquid water is easy to evaporate, which is easy to cause the unabsorbed agents to precipitate on the leaf surface, which is harmful to the tissue. When applied in dry climate, the concentration of the solution should be reduced, and in the sufficient season of Rain Water, the concentration should be increased appropriately.


三、Don't let go of the "fat harm".


The "fertilizer damage" of vegetables in greenhouse can be roughly divided into three types: first, the amount of fertilizer applied is too large or too close to the plant, and the crop is burned by high concentration fertilizer; second, the excessive application of a certain nutrient element leads to the lack of other elements; and third, under the condition of closed management, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer does not cover the soil or does not ventilate in time, resulting in the toxicity of ammonia or nitrite gas. These three kinds of "fertilizer damage" should be prevented, and emphasis should be placed on the prevention and control of ammonia and other harmful gases on crops.


First, apply fertilizer scientifically to prevent the amount of fertilizer applied at one time from being too large, cover the soil after applying base fertilizer or fully mix with the soil; for topdressing, we should advocate deep application of covering soil, irrigation in time after application, and do not leave fertilizer on the ground.


Second, balanced fertilization, potassium fertilizer should be applied appropriately, graded or layered; do not directly mix zinc, iron and other trace element fertilizer with phosphate fertilizer, it is best to mix with mature organic fertilizer and nutrition package fertilizer.


Third, proper use of nitrogen fertilizer, excessive application of nitrogen fertilizer will lead to the accumulation of ammonia and nitrous acid in the soil, so nitrogen fertilizer should be properly applied and combined with phosphorus, potassium and other fertilizers, and should be covered or fully mixed with soil after application, so that nitrogen fertilizer can be fully absorbed and utilized by crops.


Fourth, the application of organic fertilizer, slow-release fertilizer and other slow-release fertilizers can reduce the production of harmful gases and inhibit nitrite gas. In addition to rational application of nitrogen fertilizer, nitrification inhibitors can also be used appropriately.


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